Monday, September 6, 2010

Random thoughts, just thrown together

Yes, I changed the background. Much more easier to read now.

I am "spamming" you with this. I like Tecla's blog, she writes about music and how she as a person and not a journalist (even though it sometimes slip through). I wish that more people would be able to read her blog. Now, if you like her blog PLEASE vote for it.. (she already owns me big time for promoting it..)

Go Texx :P

Yes, I might be a sucker for some pop, but hey I like it. So this coming Monday (13th of September) the NEW Jax Panik will be available. And this time I am nice, here's the video:

There's a proper blog post that will be written later today. But for now, enjoy the randomness

Thursday, September 2, 2010

One day we'll go far away..

I like travelling. As a small kid we used to leave home at 3 in the morning to go on holiday to the sea. Just like the other real vaalies (I was one ok), and as my gran would recall I loved the sea and not the sand. I still love the sea and not the sand.

So every year until I moved down to durban we went on holiday. This stopped for a while, people living near the coast are not huge travellers. I still have friends who has never left kzn and I still can't wrap my head around that. It's abnormal, well that's what I think. Come on people live a little.

I think there's small signs that the travel bug has bitten. When sunday lunches with the family becomes once a month, trips to the beach aren't good enough anymore, when small road trips occur (3-4 hours) and frequently pop up.

Spending quite a lot of time in the car isn't something new, except getting irritated with the same 5 faces that you see almost everyday and now have to spend time in the car with. Driving from a small place called Marloth Park (30km from Mozambique and 50km from Swaziland) to the Kgalagadi with family isn't really recommended. -Blame it on the grumpy people. -

One trip I kind of regret not doing was the Botswana, Zambia and Namibia. Oh well lessons learned. I recommend taking 2 phones and an iPod with maybe a book. Good music is always needed if you and the people you're travelling with aren't listening to the same music.

Talking about music: tune into Jon $avage's show tonight at 10pm to 12am. He's playing some mutemath, vampire weekend, INXS, blood red shoes, something VERY SPECIAL and will have ASH in studio. To keep in contact with him: facebook under the Jon Savage fan page and on twitter:

And another legend, who has one epidsode on youtube ( There are rumours that episode will be appearing tomorrow. He also has a twitter page: now go follow him.

Forgive me for no links, I'm writing this on my phone.